Vacuum Hose

About this product

The Vacuum Hose (#9099992003), a key component in Toyota Auto parts' Drive-Chassis/Front Axle Housing & Differential, Engine-Fuel/Vacuum Piping, and Engine-Fuel/Fuel Injection System, plays a pivotal role in maintaining vehicle performance. This essential part helps in controlling and directing airflow within these systems, thus aiding in optimal vehicle movement and fuel efficiency. Authentic Toyota parts like the Vacuum Hose (#9099992003) are integral to the compatibility of your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Vacuum Hose (#9099992003) can get clogged, deteriorated, or even break, leading to potential issues like inefficient fuel consumption, impaired acceleration, and even engine misfires. Therefore, regular replacement is mandatory for smooth performance and longevity of the vehicle. A properly functioning Vacuum Hose (#9099992003) contributes to the vehicle's safety and efficiency by ensuring the precise control of air and fuel within the engine and drive-chassis systems.